Tricia Ann-Olson Zachary is a licensed attorney that practices in the area of intellectual property and general business, with a particular attention to companies with a strong portfolio of copyright materials and businesses in the collection industry.
Tricia has been learning about business and been part of the business world since 1994. Having experience in management within the non-profit and corporate environment for five years before going to law school, she learned what business is about. After completing law school at Hamline University of Law with a focus on intellectual property, Tricia completed her Masters of Business Administration degree at the University of St. Thomas.
Tricia worked with large IP firms while completing her joint degree. After school was done, Tricia joined a growing private firm to develop their IP department. After many years, Tricia founded Olson IP & Business Consulting, with the sole focus of building a firm dedicated to reputation protection. This is done through branding, securing the intangible assets that make each business successful and maintaining a strong business practice that excels in legal compliance.
Tricia enjoys being an urban dweller with her husband and their two children. She enjoys running errands while biking around the lakes of Minneapolis, getting outdoors with the family, and checking out new restaurants in the area.